Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Learning with Optical Illusions

We spent some time looking at and describing optical illusions. Then we compared our descriptions with a classmate's description. What did you learn about space, other people's view and our own way of seeing the world?


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  2. I learned that a lot can be put together to make a picture appear to be one thing, but actually be many different things. Other people's own opinions helped me understand that in reality not one person sees exactly the same thing in a picture, although similar ideas can be identified. Every individual sees the world differently, much like every one saw at least one thing differently in the pictures. My way of seeing the world can be totally different than another person's view point because we are different people. I guess the saying, "Great minds think alike", would not apply to this activity and how people see the world.

  3. I learned that there are many ways to look at the same thing, as there are many ways to do a lot of thing. If you were arranging a room and you decided to put the couch on the left side, I might decide to put the same couch on the different side because of how I perceive things. When comparing the optical illusion to other people, there were so many ways to look the picture that you were definitely bound miss something. What you missed is the unique thing that shows how you think. I guess everybody thinks about the world differently and because they think about the world differently, they perceive things differently, and that create different opinions that one person could think of, but another person doesn’t even think about it.

  4. I learned that Escher was an extremely skilled and clever artist. I had never analyzed his woodcuts and drawings like we did in class and I saw a lot in them that I had never seen before. He creates a mirage of images that appear different, but are actually the same object or space, just repeated and seen from different angles and fused together in the middle. Also, I learned that my way of looking at a drawing or optical illusion was often very different from the ways my classmates looked at them, although we did find some common ground. I think the reason that we noticed different things was that we had different viewpoints on the world and different approaches to analyzing new information. We saw different things, but we were both looking at the same image.

  5. I learned that everyone looks at things in a different way. People can look at the same picture, but see completely different things. At the same time they will see many parts of the picture the same. I thought the pictures we looked at in class were very interesting. That was a very talented artist, and his picture's were very creative. We all had many different idea's, and everyone views the world differently.

  6. I learned that everyone views things in different ways. There are so many different ways to look at an image. You could reflect with a partner what you comprehended from the picture, and they may share something with you that you hadn't even thought of before. I also learned that there are a lot of different ways to make an illusion. Some people try to look at the big picture, and others look at simply the objects in the picture and don't really think about the message.

  7. I learned the meaning of Geo-spatial thinking. It is basically just the process of comparing the locations of certain things to the location of other things. Geo-spatial thinking is all around us and we use it everyday. But we all see things in a different way. It is also very good to compare your descriptions of things to other people's.

  8. I learned several ways of looking at the pictures from different angles. You could just look at it from what it appears to be like or you could take a look at it from a wider standpoint. Optical illusions are meant to mess up your mind and they are very complicated. From comparing my work with others, I learned that most of our views were quite similar. It seemed like we look at things from the same perspective. We only look at the physical appearance rather than study the picture as a whole.

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  10. I learned how Geo-spacial thinking works. That you have to look at the pictures in many angles to understand what is going on in them and that you can't just focus on one aspect. Also you have to realize that sometimes you just will never truly understand why an artist draws the picture the way it is so you have to learn to accept defeat. But when you share your thoughts on a picture with another person and learn their thoughts it helps you to understand the picture even more.
